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Pomoc dla Ukrainy od świata cyrku [LISTA]

Zdjęcie autora: BossBoss

Cała Europa pomaga uciekającym przed wojną Ukraińcom. Jednoczy się również świat cyrku i to bez względu na geolokalizację i skład narodowościowy. Liczne środowiska cyrkowe w przeróżnych krajach, także w Polsce, oferują konkretną pomoc uchodźcom z Ukrainy. Poniżej przedstawiamy listę podmiotów oferującą pomoc Ukraińcom. Dla ułatwienia komunikacji, poniższy komunikat został sporządzony w języku angielskim, zdecydowanie bardziej uniwersalnym niż polski.

Sweden ~ Cirque Rhodin and Circus Brazil Jack in Sweden have offered people somewhere to stay in the circuses Winter Quarters, contact Trolle Rhodin for more information.

Cirkus Brazil Jack can provide work for set up or tent & driving the trucks from town to town. May have work opportunities for musicians (If original musicians return, they will be given priority for the position).

Hungary - Capital Circus of Budapest has jobs backstage for Ukrainians artists and a small number of positions for talented performers.

• France - Cirque Arlette Gruss in France took 200 Ukrainian artists to stay and also drove to the boarder today to collect their entourage of Ukrainian artists. They can not take more artists, they are at full capacity.

Nouveau Cirque Zavatta is looking for Ukrainian drivers for their trucks and people to help put up and down the BigTop.

Poland - Any circus artists needing a place to stay in Warsaw, reach out to Pawel Walczewski

Germany - Steffi Haberl Palazzo has offered documentation-shelter-work opportunities-mental health resources for all UKRAINIAN circus workers.

Italy - Circo Peppino Medini a place to stay for Ukrainian artists

Australia - Lennon Bros Circus can take one Ukrainian Circus artist with a floor act (Not aerial act).

Hudson’s Circus can take one Ukrainian performer with two acts who has fled Ukraine

Estonia ~ Circus Studio Folie, Tallinn can offer a part time job to an Ukrainian circus artist/teacher as circus teacher of any field to 1 artist or teacher and house this person, possible as a couple in the owners house, until July 1st. “In case more people would like to come to our wonderful and lovely school, I could ask around circus people to offer housing and jobs. Terje Bernadt”

USA - Culpepper and Merriweather Circus. Can take Ukrainian artists, mechanics, drivers, etc they will do our best to accommodate you.

Belgium - Cirque Alexandre Bouglione is offering Ukrainian artists to stay during the war.

Great Britain - Oaks Circus Centre in Norwich, UK has offered to take Ukrainian artists to stay.

Russell’s International Circus is offering a place to stay.

Let's Circus- can partner with other UK based circuses who are not able to sponsor artists to work in the UK as they are able to - this might help Ukranian artists (though the Tier 5 works sponsorship - however as yet a VISA is still required to work in the UK alongside the sponsorship. So it is Best if other UK circuses not able to sponsor an artists, but able to offer work contact them first, so that no Ukrainian is disappointed. note: If any Circus artist finding themselves arriving in Newcastle upon Tyne please get in touch. There is a circus community here willing to support.

Lain J Mindwraith producer/artist can provided two spare bedrooms and a warm welcome

Czech Republic ~ Cirk La Putyka is taking students from the Kyiv Acadamy of Circus Arts

Circus artists willing to help Ukrainians

Poland ~ Moises Peres Silva (Troupe Peres) is doing trips to the Polish-Ukrainian boarder if anybody needs a ride?

Poland - Tomasz Piotrowski +48 600710435 - Rides-Assistance From the Polish border

Poland - Piotr Krawczyk- +48 505733280 - Rides-Assistance From the Polish border

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